Bully Prevention
Stand Firm Against Bullying with Martial Arts Training
Research shows that 90% of 4th through 8th graders have been victims of a bully, and the physical and psychological effects are…
Bully Prevention
Bullly Prenvention in Martial Arts Call Today 915-265-0254 or visit us at http://www.elpasofamilymartialarts.com …
Winners Mentality
Winners Mentality Quitters never win and winners never quit. As a parent, we all want our child to succeed in whatever they…
Is Your Child at Risk?
Bullying affects all youth, martial arts can help!…
Hero’s, Not Zero’s…
Solutions to bullying are not simple, but martial arts can help youth learn what is right….
Cyber Bullying, It’s the Real Deal
Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in,…
The Confidence to Shut Down Bullies
If you have watched the ‘80s film ‘The Karate Kid’ or its 2010 remake, there are many life lessons to be learned,…
Growing Strong with Karate for Kids
The Karate for Kids programs offered at America’s Best Karate, in El Paso, are a great way to instill virtues like integrity,…